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Sex! A Tool for Naturally Inducing Labor

Let’s talk about sex, baby! Sex as a Tool for Naturally Inducing Labor


Sex… a commonly known way to make a baby, but did you know it’s also a fantastic way to promote the birth of your baby? That’s right, we’re here to explain the ways sex can encourage the onset and/or progression of labor! 


First and foremost, oxytocin. 


Maybe you've heard of oxytocin, the “love hormone”, before. It is a naturally occurring hormone that assists in many aspects of the female and male reproductive system, as well as much of human behavior. It is often referred to as the love hormone because it is released in response to sensory stimulation. Meaning gentle touch, lying in the arms of someone you love, and in our case sex, all provoke oxytocin. During intercourse, the activation of sensory nerves (with or without an orgasm) will trigger the release of oxytocin, however if an orgasm occurs ***bonus points, you will undergo an oxytocin surge! 


Side note: If physical intimacy is not a practical, safe, or enjoyable option, fear not! Nipple stimulation and masturbation also trigger the release of oxytocin and can offer similar benefits. 


So what’s the big deal with oxytocin in regards to labor? 


Simply put, oxytocin induces uterine contractions. This means that we can use sex (or any form of sensory stimulation: masturbation, nipple stimulation, gentle tickles, ect.) as a way to promote and amplify the rate, strength, and efficiency of contractions. Therefore, sex can help initiate and expedite labor by directly influencing contractions themselves.


Not only does oxytocin work birthing magic, but there is an added benefit from the release of male semen during sexual intercourse; prostaglandin! 


Prostaglandin is a hormone-like substance that has the ability to ripen (soften) a cervix. Human sperm contains a high amount of prostaglandin, meaning vaginal exposure to semen can help soften the cervix, therefore fostering effacement and dilation. A ripe cervix is a catalyst for labor! Ejaculation = cervical preparation 


So, birthing friends, sex is a powerful tool for enticing labor in more ways than one. If it suits you, we encourage you to take this information and have some fun with it! 


Maybe you suspect you’re already in early labor, is it safe to have sex?


Fantastic question! Early labor is a great time to explore sexual intercourse, with one exception: your water breaking. If your amniotic fluid is still intact (meaning your water hasn’t broken yet), we could not encourage sex more! Once your water has ruptured, we recommend not putting anything near or in your vagina to help lessen the likelihood of any unwanted infection. Early labor is a time to have fun, distract yourself, and connect with your partner. What better way to expedite labor than inviting in a little extra intimacy.


The content above is not medical advice, but rather general information for low-risk pregnancies. Here at Doulas of North County we love the role sex can play in promoting labor, however we encourage you to follow up with your medical provider regarding any questions or concerns. 


Happy sexing :)

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