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Sleep & Pregnancy! Do I have to sleep on my left side?

Sleep & Pregnancy: Do I Have to Sleep on my Left Side?

Here at Doulas of North County we highly value the conversation of sleep. This is because sleep is an absolute necessity, especially while your body works hard to grow a tiny human. You are not alone if your pregnancy has significantly impacted your quality of sleep. Changes in sleep are a result of two main factors: hormonal fluctuations and physical discomfort. The last thing you need is the added stress on how to/how not to sleep. So what’s the big deal with recommended sleeping positions while pregnant? Let us break it down for you. 

It is true that there is an optimal sleeping position for pregnancy, left side lying. 

Why? Various reasons. When a pregnant body lies on its side it lessens the chances of unwanted compression to one of the central veins (vena cava) that carries deoxygenated blood to a mother’s heart. The vena cava runs directly below the growing uterus, so when a pregnant woman lies flat on her back, (especially near full term) there is a risk of supine hypotensive syndrome. This occurs when the superior vena cava is compressed by the weight of the uterus. If you wake up on your back - don't worry, your body will alarm you with dizziness or nausea long before there's an actual threat to you or your baby, you can simply just change positions. This unwanted vascular compression is extremely avoidable by gently tilting the body to one side or the other to alleviate direct pressure on the vein. But why the left side? 

This has more to do with optimal fetal positioning. As labor approaches, the ideal positioning for your baby to be in (for easier fetal movement and a quicker labor) is known as LOA - Left Occipital Anterior. This looks like a baby lying head down on the left side of the uterus, with its face towards the mother’s spine. Fetal positioning can be influenced by maternal positioning. That said, a mother who spends more time lying on her left side, might have a higher chance of a baby residing on the left side of the uterus. Additionally, avoiding reclined positioning can help reduce the likelihood of a posterior baby. Since many hours are spent in one position while sleeping, lying on your left side while pregnant (especially later in pregnancy) might be beneficial. 

All of that said, left side lying is not the only way you can get rest! 

Am I harming myself or my baby if I don’t sleep on my left side? 

Nope! While sleeping on your left side is optimal for you and your baby, that does not necessarily mean other positions are bad. While we discourage sleeping directly on your back or belly, we understand that not everyone is comfortable on their left side. Luckily, sleeping on either side has the beautiful benefit of increased blood flow to your baby - yes, even on your right side! We also want to highlight that quality of sleep is the most important factor. Meaning if you are unable to sleep on your left side, please give yourself permission to find a position that feels good for you (always avoiding your belly and back). Sleep deprivation can be more harmful to your baby than positioning. So when you get into bed tonight, prioritize comfort. While we encourage starting the night on your left side, do not be upset if you wake up in a different position. Your body is working hard and you deserve a good night’s sleep every night. You have too many things to worry about, don’t let rest be one 🙂


Sleep tight mom! 

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