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Do I really need a birth plan?

Let’s talk about writing a birth plan. But before we begin, ask yourself, have you ever had any of these thoughts…


I’m not going to waste my time writing a birth plan, you can’t really “plan” birth anyway, so what is the point?


I heard birth never goes to plan. I don’t want to get my hopes up by writing a plan that I probably won’t get, so why put myself through the disappointment?


I get why I probably should have a birth plan, but there is so much information online and I have no idea where to begin.

If this is you, keep scrolling!


Writing your plan is not about trying to “control your birth”, it’s a tool for helping you get more informed about your birth options (you have MANY!). It also and acts as a communication tool for your entire birth team (from your medical providers to your emotional support people) to better understand what matters most to you. Birth plans help your entire team get on the same page about your intentions for your birth.


Us doulas watch births unfold in front of our eyes most weeks and, we agree, birth rarely goes “to plan”. We also know that when our clients feel they know more about birth options and give their true informed consent (or informed refusal) to those options, that they feel proud of their births, regardless of it “going to plan” or not. With knowledge comes confidence.


Information overload is a real concern. Deciphering between opinions versus facts can be difficult. Getting informed about your birth options can be a big task - but also one of the most worthwhile efforts of your life. Your birth story will become part of you and us doulas believe you are worth the effort. Writing a birth plan to will encourage you to seek out reliable sources of information. If you need some help with this, check out this online course which is designed to walk you through the birth plan writing process from beginning to end. 


If you have a doula on your birth team, they can help you with your birth plan! Your doula has been trained in evidence-based birth knowledge and is there to direct you to the best sources of information for all your birth options! 


Not sure which type of fetal monitor to request? We can teach you which types of monitoring may be appropriate for different circumstances. 


Want to know more about the Vitamin K shot offered to your newborn? We have data on this! 


Do you have to push on your back if you choose to get an epidural? Not necessarily! We can talk to you about your options and offer good questions to ask your doctor to learn more. 

Writing your birth plan is a process and something you will do over the course of several days if not weeks. Take your time, start early, and have fun! 


Do you need a template for your birth plan? We have a free one in Canva, you can copy and customize it to your own preferences. You can download it here. 

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